Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Fear of Bugs

I live in a world of constant fear.  I'm afraid of being trapped, being kidnapped, having cancer, falling off of things, getting stabbed, getting scared in the shower, of my future children dying, of my family dying, of Lucas dying, of stepping on nail... it's straight up terrifying in my head.

But I would have to say the fear the plagues me most of all is...

My Fear of Bugs

Yes, those creepy, crawly little things that you don't notice are on you until they are down your shirt.  Or trapped in your hair.  Or hiding in your pillow case.

And I'm not just scared of the scary bugs.  I am literally afraid of ALL bugs.  Spiders, ants, butterflies, stink-bugs, ladybugs.... you name it, I'm terrified of it. 

But there are DEFINITELY some bugs I am more scared of then others. So here is my list of bugs I am afraid of, in rank of pure terror.

#1 - Wasps/Yellow Jackets

(I had to insert this picture after I was done writing my blog because it was to distracting for me to type while it was on here.)

There is absolutely nothing good about wasps.  Sure, you can say they pollinate flowers all you want.  So do humming birds.  And they can't sting you a MILLION TIMES before they die.

I think my fear from this stems from being stung a few times as a child.  Or hearing the story about my aunt on a boat who had a wasp fly into her ear, sting her 10 times so that her ear canal was swollen shut, and the thing got trapped in there.  Only to sting her some more.

They are creepy.  They can sting.  And they can fly in your hair. Enough said.

#2 - Spiders

(... Don't look it in the eyes.)

Spiders are easily a close second to wasps.  Mainly because they like to live in my house and surprise me in the shower.  Or in my bed.  Or in my shoe.

And when I see a spider, I literally cannot function.  If I get caught with one of those in the shower, I just stand there, staring at it, watching its every move.  Every time that it gets closer to me, I scream.  Finally, it results in me running out of my bathroom with suds in my hair to find someone to kill it. 

And by the time I get back to the shower... it's gone.

That has to be the worst feeling.  Leaving a spider to find a shoe to kill it and coming back to find it has gone missing.  Only to later reappear in that same shoe you were going to kill it with.

Spiders are crawly.  They can be poisonous   Sometimes they have barb-things on their legs. And they like to hide and scare me.  

(a picture I drew on my old blog of me always finding spiders in my bed. Small Town Side Effects)

# 3 - Earwigs

Okay, please just look at this bug and tell me if it is not the creepiest thing you have ever seen.

I hate these bugs.  I HATES THEM. 

I grew up on a farm that basically was INFESTED with this little critters.  In the shower, in the cupboards, in the dishtowels, on my shower towel.  To this day I check my towel before drying off to make sure that there are no bugs on it.  Lucas can back me up on this one. 

One time, an earwig got lost in my hair.  I could feel it crawling around, but I couldn't get it out. 
(I have to stop telling this story, I'm feeling things in my hair.)

And one time, an earwig crawled up my shorts and pinched my thigh.  Some people say that earwigs can't pinch, BUT THEY ARE WRONG.

Earwigs are squirmy.  They have pinchers and they can use them.  And they make a horrible crunching noise when you kill them. 

#4 - Box Elder Bugs

This phobia of box elder bugs is very recent, but very strong.  I developed this one after I moved to Utah, where these things run wild.  In fact, I have had TWO instances where these guys have found their way into my cleavage.  Thankfully, no one was around at the time, because I ripped my shirt right off in order to find them.

I realize that I have no real reason to be afraid of these bugs.  They are essentially like flies... but flies of the devil.  They don't fear humans, and like to fly close to and land on them.  They like to lurk in my favorite bathrooms at BYU.  Which makes peeing extremely difficult.

One time, I was late to an appointment, but I couldn't leave my apartment because there was a box elder bug on my doorstep.  That is how intense this fear is. 

Box elder bugs can fly.  They like to live in cleavage.  And they can get trapped in hair.

# 5 - Praying Mantis 

I really don't know how this guy got on the list.  I haven't had any terrifying experiences with them, I haven't ever had one on me or even near to me.  

But the scare the daylights out of me. 

They are like miniature aliens waiting to suck your blood.  They will latch onto you with their hook-arms and bite you till your dead.

They will crush your dreams. 

I guess I'm afraid of them because I heard their bite is worse than a bee-sting.  And since bees terrify me enough, I have always gone out of my wait to avoid a praying mantis.


So there you have it! Some other bugs that just barely missed being mentioned are: flying ants, bumble-bees, stink bugs, centipedes, cockroaches, and flies. 

And one last terrifying picture before I say good-bye!

What bugs are you most afraid of?

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny! And these pictures are absolutely terrifying.
