Monday, January 28, 2013

It's starting!

Well hello, dear reader!

Ok, so this is new to me. I guess I used to have another blog at  But I only wrote in that blog once a semester... but now I'm ready to get down to business.

I'm going to start blogging.

So what is my blog going to be about, you ask?

Well, if you haven't deduced this from my title, my blog is going to be about my stumbling attempts of being a competent housewife.  So blog posts might include new recipes I have tried, cleaning tips, budgeting advice, stories of me and my husband, and, if I'm feeling daring, marriage advice. And probably a bunch of other random experiences that I have in my life that I think are too funny NOT to blog about. 

Do I really have time to blog? No, not particularly.  I'm basically living on campus from 7am to 7pm every day of the week, with homework until bedtime.  But, my friend Elizabeth and her wonderful blog has inspired me to blog. And also, I have found blogging to be a wonderful way to procrastinate homework. :)

So here goes nothing! Check back soon for my first recipe post about cheesy-sweet-potato-crispers! 

Until then, here are a few pictures of me and my husband to tide you over.